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GWCHECK Support Options

Last updated: 20 December 2004
Author: Bob Jonkman <>

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Basic Support Options for GWCHECK 6.x
Additional GWCHECK 6.x Support Options
Basic switches for GWCHECK 5.x
Other GWCHECK 5.x switches

Hi all: There doesn't seem to be a single TID covering all the support options available on the standalone GWCHECK, so I've attempted to gather them all here. Links should open in a companion window.

Not all support options apply to all versions of GWCHECK, and some newer versions of GWCHECK have some support options that older versions don't. You can download the most recent version of GWCHECK from the Novell Product Updates site (and see TID 10011779).

[Top] Basic Support Options for GWCHECK 6.x

TID 10074300 lists the basic support options for GWCHECK 6.x. The GWCHECK window has a "Misc" tab with a "Support Options" field into which the option keyword is typed.

Use this switch with GWCheck to remove all messages that have the specified subject. The subject text is case sensitive and must match a message subject obtained using the subjectlist switch. See also TID 10052747.

Use this switch with GWCheck to list all subjects in message databases (msgnn.db). Message subjects are written out to the subdump file that is created in the same directory with the gwcheck.exe file.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It removes references to lost or orphaned attachment files from message databases, which eliminates QuickFinder indexing errors.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It removes all proxy minimum user access rights. When setting up proxy access in the GroupWise client using Tools > Options > Security > Proxy Access, users might have inadvertently selected <All User Access> because it always appears at the top of the access list, which would give all users proxy rights to such users' mailboxes without users being aware of the situation. Use proxyminreset periodically to prevent this potential security problem.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It lists the contents of the GWCheck database (ngwcheck.db) in the post office directory so that you can see what Mailbox/Library Maintenance jobs are queued for processing.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by checking user databases (userxxx.db) only and skipping message databases.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by checking only personal address books.

Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by skipping personal address book checks.

[Top] Additional GWCHECK v6.x Support Options

The TID for additional support options for GWCHECK 6.x is TID 10066312.

(alias isubjectpurge) - purge items if subject matches.

MAPI cleanup.

purge LIN_RECORD if it doesn't have a SUBJECT_TEXT.

Fix bad addresses.

changes group & all members if another non-case-sensitive group exists.

Removes all duplicate user from proxy access lists created by 5.2 to 5.5 upgrade (improved in GW 6.5 SP3, see TID 2970304).

Check the user store for move in progress flag in VERIFICATION_RECORD and clip.

(alias setonly) - setup mode.

(alias vrfixup) verification mode (force repairing verification record)

Additional info on SETUPMODE and VERIFYMODE is in TID 1007474.

Added 20 December 2004:

Additional logging can be written to the "yymmCHK.LOG" file in the root of the postoffice by using the WPTEST support option when running scheduled maintenance. This does not appear to work from GWCHKSRV launched from ConsoleOne or standalone GWCHECK.EXE, although the switch and text does appear in the regular GWCHECK.LOG file. Available in GW 6.0 and later. See TID 10063151.

Fixes thousands of folders named "Unnamed_Folder.dupxx" in the mailbox. Available in GW 6.0 SP2 and later. See TID 10068424, also TID 10072060 and TID 10093416.

Deletes all messages that have an attachment with a specified filename. This is useful for virus cleanup. Available in GW6.0 SP4 and later. See TID 2968045.

Resolve problems with users' Notify alarms. Available in GW 6.5 SP1a. See TID 2966682.

Cleans up databases beyond what the standard Expire/Reduce action accomplishes. Available in GW 6.5 SP3 and later. See TID 2970304.

Replaces the reset client option process with code to find and remove the WebAccess Timezone settings from Send Options. Available in GW 6.5 SP4 (FTF Rev 1, 7 Dec 2004) and later. See TID 2970399.

[Top] Basic switches for GWCHECK 5.x

TID 1059466 has the info for the basic GWCHECK 5.x options (called "switches" for GWCHECK 5.x). With GWCHECK 5.x the switches are invoked by placing them on the first line of a file called GWCHECK.CFG. Two examples:


Vacation reply to all

The basic GWCHECK 5.x switches are:

Removes references to lost attachment files, so that QuickFinder won't try to index them and generate errors.

Note that the ATTCLIP option can also be invoked on pre-5.5 SP4 versions of GWCHECK by creating a file called "ATTCLIP.NGW". This can be a 0 byte file.

Causes dependant store files to be dropped from the store catalog if .db file is missing. This will force the db to be recreated on the next login.

This switch is invoked by creating a text file callled "ITEMPURG" containing the subject line to be purged. Purges any mail message with a subject field that matches a certain string. The text file should contain the subject line of the message you want to purge from the user's database. It can be partial text, but it must be the starting words (e.g., the first 27 characters of the subject) but everything that begins with the string you type will be purged and will NOT be recoverable. To execute the purge, perform a Contents check and fix on the appropriate user database.

In GWCHECK versions 5.5 SP 4 and later this no longer works; use SUBJECTPURGE instead.

To be used for testing when you have been given copies of user databases but not message databases. For contents check of user database, don't validate pointers to message databases.

This switch can also be invoked by creating a text file named PABONLY.NGW in the folder containing GWCHK32.EXE.

When doing user database contents check, stop check after personal address book verification (updates Frequent Contact List and PAB). See also TID 10014749.

Skip personal address book check when performing user database contents check.

Resets system folder names so that the client can come in and replace them. Used when a database gets created with foreign language names for system folders, and you want to reset them to some other language.

These switches can also be invoked by creating files named SETONLY.NGW and VRFIXUP.NGW in the folder containing GWCHCK32.EXE.

Used for "D115: Security Breach" errors. SETONLY.NGW checks verification record and settings changes; VRFIXUP.NGW forces fixup of verification record. This is a possible security issue, since the error that tells when one database is copied on top of another will be overwritten.

Additional info on SETONLY.NGW and VRFIXUP.NGW is in TID 1007474.

[Top] Other GWCHECK 5.x switches

The following switches apply to only certain version of GWCHECK, and have their own TID for documentation:

Delete duplicate entries in Frequent Contacts addressbook (only in the fgw5chk.exe, dated 2001/08/31). See TID 2960107.

Remove 255 library directories created by a bug in versions prior to 5.5.2 (only in GWCHECK dated 2001/06/15 or later). See TID 10063572.

Creates a SUBDUMP file containing all subject lines in the message store;.

Removes all messages with a specified subject. Subject line, up to 27 characters, goes in 2nd line of GWCHECK.CFG. (SUBJECTLIST and SUBJECTPURGE are only available in GWCHECK from GroupWise version 5.5 SP4 and later, GW 5.5 EP SP2 and later, GW 6.0 SP1 and later). See TID 10052747.

Fixes damaged proxy list, caused by a 5.2 client modifying proxies on a 5.5 postoffice. (requires fgck555e.exe) See TID 10060722.

Performs extensive cleanup of messages (and attachments) that should not be there. Not supported by Novell. Available in GWCHECK from GW 5.5 EP SP4. TID 2960743 had more info, but is no longer available. See this Novell Knowledgebase query for "FORCECLEAN").

Runs a contents check against user database; used to resolve D115 errors. Further information from NTS needed (from a message on NGWList by William D. Large < >)

While not documented for GWCHECK 5.x, these are likely aliases for SETONLY.NGW and VRFIXUP.NGW, as with GWCHECK 6.x.

Added 20 December 2004:

Fixes thousands of folders named "Unnamed_Folder.dupxx" in the mailbox. Available in GW5.5EP SP5 and later. See TID 10065532.

There is also a wealth of information on GWCHECK in TID 2940100, including checking archives, remote mailboxes, and some of the differences between GWCHKSRV and GWCHK32.EXE

Please let me know of any omissions, updates or errors...


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Basic Support Options for GWCHECK 6.x
Additional GWCHECK 6.x Support Options
Basic switches for GWCHECK 5.x
Other GWCHECK 5.x switches